Grades 3-5 Math Problem Solving in Action_ Getting Students to Love Word Problems

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

12 ◆ Real Stories, Deep Understanding

are guilty of overscaffolding. Don’t overscaffold. Let your students think.
Let them wrestle with the problem. Let them figure out that they can
figure it out!

Key Points

  • Daily Practice

  • Guided Math Groups

  • Math Workstations

  • Process:
     Visualize
     Summarize
     Make a Plan
     Solve One Way
     Check Another
     Double-Double-Check
     Explain

  • Templates


Problem solving is about helping students to see how math is part of our
everyday lives. The goal is to foster flexibility, competence and confidence.
Since the process is involved, problems should be initially scaffolded with
templates that are eventually internalized so that students can organize
their thinking. Problem solving should be done throughout the workshop
from routines, through guided math lessons and in math workstations.
Teachers should use questions as powerful tools to scaffold student work
around problem solving.

Reflection Questions

  1. Do you teach real-life problems or problems that students
    actually live?

  2. Do you do problem-solving daily with an emphasis on building
    the habit of mind rather than on getting the answer?

  3. Do you use templates to scaffold the process?

  4. What is your big takeaway from this chapter? What one thing in
    your teaching will you start or expand?

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