Grade 4 - Progress in Mathematics

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
5:00 P.M. arrived home
15 minutes travel time to the movies
15 minutes travel time from the movies
1 hour 45 minutes at the movie theater

Visualize the facts of the
problem as you reread it.

Work backward to solve each problem.

  1. The Torres family came home from the movies
    at 5:00 P.M. The trip to and from the movie
    theater was 15 minutes each way.
    They spent 1 hour and 45 minutes at the
    theater. What time did they leave home?


Question: What time did they leave home?

Count back each time that was added.
5:00 15 minutes 15 minutes 1 hour 45 minutes
time to time from at the movie theater

7 6 5

  1. Kari had $ 4.25 left after shopping. She spent
    $ 11.80 for party favors and $ 22.55 for a giant
    party pizza. How much money did Kari have
    when she began shopping?

  2. Bev, Ruth, and Lisa are sisters. Bev is 8 years
    older than Ruth. Ruth is 5 years older than Lisa,
    who is 16 years old. How old is Bev?

  3. Don bought two vases for $ 36 and a lamp for $ 78.
    He received $ 10 change. How much money did
    he give the cashier?

  4. After lunch there were 2 pizzas left over. Grades 1, 2, and
    3 each finished 6 pizzas. Grades 4 and 5 each finished 7
    pizzas. If the teachers finished 2 pizzas, how many pizzas
    had been ordered?

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