Grade 4 - Progress in Mathematics

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Find the mean.

  1. 23, 37, 41, 19 8. 56, 18, 42, 64

  2. 633, 495, 711 10. 420, 504, 297

  3. $ 4.32, $ .88, $ 4.00, $ .76 12. 488, 128, 952, 720

  4. 72, 216, 96, 108 14. $ 1.84, $ 2.76, $ 4.08, $ 2.32

  5. 58, 77, 95, 49, 81 16. 93, 102, 115, 83, 42

  6. 517, 423, 648, 212, 555

  7. $ 4.25, $ 6.71, $ 3.24, $ 5.06, $ 4.94

  8. $ 8.44, $ .31, $ 2.97, $ 3.13, $ .80

Use the information in the grade book.

  1. What was Carly’s mean test
    score? Was her mean score
    greater or less than Dawn’s?

  2. Did the five students have
    a higher mean score on
    Test A or Test B?

  3. Did the five students have 23. List Bob, Dawn, and Eric in
    the lowest mean score on order from the highest
    Test A, Test B, or Test C? mean to the lowest mean.

  4. What is the mean of $3.24, $1.03, $5.69, and $.72?

A $1.99 B $2.49 C $2.67 D $3.56

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