Grade 4 - Progress in Mathematics

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Update your skills. See pages 25 and 26.

Bar Graphs


Tallest Trees
Tree Height in Feet
White Pine 160
Black Cherry 115
White Ash 145
Red Spruce 130
Sugar Maple 135
Red Pine 115

Heidi found some information
about the tallest tree of each
species in the United States.

Heidi organized the data
she found in a vertical bar graph.

To make a vertical bar graph:
Use the data from the table
to choose an appropriate
scale. Start at 0.

Draw and label the scale on the
vertical axis. (Vertical means
“up and down.”)

Draw and label the horizontal
axis. (Horizontal means “across.”)
List the name of each item.

Draw vertical bars to represent
the data.

Title the graph.

How can you use the bar graph to find how tall the
tallest red spruce tree is in the United States?

To find how tall, look at the bar labeled Red Spruce.
The top of the bar is halfwaybetween 120 and 140.
The number that is halfwaybetween 120 and 140 is 130.

So the tallest red spruce tree in the United States
is 130 feet tall.

Tallest Trees


Height in Feet

(^0) White PineBlack CherryWhite AshRed SpruceSugar MapleRed Pine
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