Grade 4 - Progress in Mathematics

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
260 Chapter 7

Lessons 1–10

(See Still More Practice,p. 467.)

Use the tally chart to solve problems 1–3. (See pp. 242– 243, 246–247.)
Meg surveyed her class about the
number of pets each student owns.

  1. Make a bar graph and a line plot from the
    data in the tally chart.

  2. Find the range and mode of the data in
    the tally chart.

  3. Which number is the outlier? Why?

Use the line graph below to solve problems 4–6. (See pp. 244– 245.)

  1. In which week was there the most rain?

  2. How many inches of rain fell
    in week 2? week 3?

  3. Is week 5 likely to have less than or
    more than 5 inches of rain? Explain.

Find the number of combinations. (See pp. 250 – 251.)

  1. For lunch, Chad can buy either a tuna fish, chicken,
    or ham sandwich on either rye, whole-grain, or wheat
    bread. How many ways can he choose to buy his sandwich?

Use the spinner. (See pp. 252 – 253.)

  1. Use words and fractions to write the
    probability that the spinner will land on
    a. red b. blue
    c. yellow d. white




Inches of Rain





Average Rainfall

Family Pets
Pets Tally
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

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