Grade 4 - Progress in Mathematics

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Estimate Quotients


Write the compatible numbers you would use
to estimate the quotient. Then estimate.

  1. 63  21 2. 89  32 3. 78  19 4. 47  22

  2. 58  33 6. 67  11 7. 81  44 8. 92  36

  3. 594  26 10. 905  38 11. 825  18 12. 652  21

  4. 452  17 14. 395  24 15. 6475  36 16. 7959  43

To estimate quotients with 2-digit
divisors, think of nearby numbers
that are compatible.

Estimate using compatible numbers:
664  24

664  24

600 20

So 664 24 is about 30.

Study these examples.

Estimate: 96  31 Estimate: $ 86.43  38

So 96 31 is about 3. So $ 86.43 38 is about $ 2.00.

When one number divides
another evenly, the two
numbers are compatible.

Think: 20 6  0  0 

Compatible numbers

30  9  0 

$ 8 2.00
40 $ 80 .0 0 

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