Grade 4 - Progress in Mathematics

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Estimate with Decimals


Rounding is one way to estimate
decimal sums and differences.

To estimate sums or differences with decimals:
Round the decimals to the greatest nonzero
place of the lesser number.
Then add or subtract.

Estimate: 123.6 8.43 Estimate: 78.61 0.45

 123 .6  124 78. 61 78.6
 8 .43  8  0. 45  0.5
about 132 about78.1

Study these examples.
0. 92 0.9 4. 7 4.7  8 .8  9
0. 37 0.4 0. 18 0.2  5 .1  5
about1.3 about4.5 about 14

Round to estimate the sum or the difference. Watch the signs.

  1. 5.9 2. 9.7 3. 8.75 4. 9.38 5. 4.91
    3.2 4.6 1.17 6.04 6.73

  2. 42.3 7. 38.5 8. 56.2 9. 27.8 10. 85.43
     6.7  5.8  4.84  6.65  1.7

  3. 0.85 12. 10.3 13. 62.77 14. 48.5 15. 26.21
    0.63  0.81  9.84  0.69  0.59

  4. 74.36 17.  62 18. 49.95 19. 405.5 20. 380.4
     18  7.8  5.2  5.76  2.35

  5. 4.5 39.03 22. 17.03 1.5 23. 47 6.62

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