Update your skills. See page 3.
Make Change
Imagine that you are working in a
music store. A customer wants to
buy a CD that costs $13.88 and gives
you a twenty-dollar bill. What coins
and bills would you give the
customer as change? What would
be the value of the change?
To make change:
- Count up from the cost to the amount given.
- Start with the coins that have the least value.
- Use the fewest possible coins and bills.
cost given
$13.88 $13.89 $13.90 $14.00 $15.00 $20.00
Arrange the money in order.
Count the change: $5.00 $1.00 $0.10 $0. 01 $0.01
$5.00 $6.00 $6.10 $6.11 $6.12
You would give the customer 2 pennies, 1 dime,
1 one-dollar bill, and 1 five-dollar bill as change.
The value of the change is $6.12.
Use money. Write the fewest coins and bills
you would give as change. Then write the
value of the change.
1 1. Cost: $0.81 2. Cost: $2.54
Amount given: $1.00 Amount given: $3.00
twenty-dollar bill
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