Grade 4 - Progress in Mathematics

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
3 shirts: blue, gray, white
4 ties: red, brown, green, yellow

Visualize the facts of the
problem as you reread it.

Make a table or list to solve each problem.

  1. Mr. Hoody bought 3 shirts and 4 ties.
    The shirts are blue, gray, and white.
    The ties are red, brown, green, and
    yellow. How many ways can he wear
    the shirts and ties together?


Question: How many ways can the shirts
and ties be worn?

Make an organized list.
List each shirt color.
Write the ties that can be worn with each shirt.
Count the total number of combinations.

  1. Apple juice costs 50ยข. The juice machine
    accepts quarters, dimes, and nickels.
    Make a list of coin combinations that can
    be used to buy juice.

  2. Adam and Ashlee use three 1โ€“6 number cubes.
    They look for different ways to roll the sum of 12.
    How many ways will they find?

  3. Calvin has 90 stamps. For every Mexican stamp,
    Calvin has 8 U.S. stamps. How many
    Mexican stamps does Calvin have?

  4. Write a problem that uses a table or list.
    Ask a classmate to solve the problem.

Blue Gray White
Shirt Shirt Shirt
Tie Colorsyellow

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