Everything Maths Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
You are also told that lineABhas the following equation:y=0,5x1.
Calculate the missing coordinate of pointB.
17.Ais the point(3;5)andBis the point(n;11). ABis perpendicular to lineCDwith equation
y=^32 x 5. Find the value ofn.
18.The pointsA(4;3),B(5; 0)andC(3;p)are given. Determine the value ofpifA,BandCare
19.Refer to the diagram below:

 5  4  3  2  1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8







A(5; 2)

C(8; 3)




a)Show that△ABCis right-angled. Show your working.
b)Find the area of△ABC.
20.The pointsA(3; 1),B(3;2)andC(9; 10)are given.

a)Prove that triangleABCis a right-angled triangle.
b)Find the coordinates ofD, ifABCDis a parallelogram.
c)Find the equation of a line parallel to the lineBC, which passes through the pointA.

For more exercises, visit http://www.everythingmaths.co.za and click on ’Practise Maths’.
1a.2GCK 1b.2GCM 1c.2GCN 2a.2GCP 2b.2GCQ 2c.2GCR 3.2GCS 4.2GCT
5.2GCV 6.2GCW 7.2GCX 8.2GCY 9.2GCZ 10.2GD2 11.2GD3 12.2GD4
13.2GD5 14.2GD6 15.2GD7 16.2GD8 17.2GD9 18.2GDB 19.2GDC 20.2GDD

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8.4 Mid-point of a line EMA6H

Investigation: Finding the mid-point of a line

On graph paper, accurately plot the pointsP(2; 1)andQ(2; 2)and draw the lineP Q.

  • Fold the piece of paper so that pointPis exactly on top of pointQ.

  • Where the folded line intersects with lineP Q, label pointS

  • Count the blocks and find the exact position ofS.

  • Write down the coordinates ofS.

308 8.4. Mid-point of a line
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