Everything Maths Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

31.Given the following diagram:

 2 2 4 6 8





A(2; 2)

B(4; 5)

C(8; 2)





a)IfEis the mid-point ofAB, find the values ofaandb.
b)Find the equation of the line perpendicular toBC, which passes through the origin.
c)Find the coordinates of the mid-point of diagonalBD.
d)Hence show thatABCDis not a parallelogram.
e)IfCcould be moved, give its new coordinates so thatABCDwould be a parallelogram.

32.A triangle has verticesA(1; 7),B(8; 4)andC(5;5).

a)Calculate the gradient ofAB.
b)Prove that the triangle is right-angled atB.
c)Determine the length ofAB.
d)Determine the equation of the line fromAto the mid-point ofBC.
e)Find the area of the triangleABC.

33.A quadrilateral has verticesA(0; 5),B(3;4),C(0;5)andD(4;k)wherek 0.

a)What shouldkbe so thatADis parallel toCD?
b)What shouldkbe so thatCD=


34.On the Cartesian plane, the three pointsP(3; 4),Q(7;1)andR(3;b)are collinear.

a)Find the length ofP Q.
b)Find the gradient ofP Q.
c)Find the equation ofP Q.
d)Find the value ofb.

35.GivenA(4; 9)andB(2;3).

a)Find the mid-pointMofAB.
b)Find the gradient ofAB.
c)Find the gradient of the line perpendicular toAB.
d)Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector ofAB.
e)Find the equation of the line parallel toAB, passing through(0; 6).

36.L(1;1),M(2; 4),N(x;y)andP(4; 0)are the vertices of parallelogramLM N P.

a)Determine the coordinates ofN.
b)Show thatM Pis perpendicular toLNand state what type of quadrilateralLM N Pis, other than a
c)Show thatLM N Pis a square.

Chapter 8. Analytical geometry 323
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