Everything Maths Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
d)Write down the value of the ratio:

area△OM N


e)Write down the coordinates ofPsuch thatOAP Bis a parallelogram.

47.A(6;4); B(8; 2); C(3;a)andD(b;c)are points on the Cartesian plane. Determine the value of:
a)aifA,BandCare collinear.
b)bandcifBis the mid-point ofAandD.

For more exercises, visit http://www.everythingmaths.co.za and click on ’Practise Maths’.

1.2GDR 2.2GDS 3.2GDT 4a.2GDV 4b.2GDW 4c.2GDX
4d.2GDY 5.2GDZ 6.2GF2 7.2GF3 8.2GF4 9.2GF5
10.2GF6 11.2GF7 12.2GF8 13.2GF9 14.2GFB 15.2GFC
16.2GFD 17.2GFF 18.2GFG 19.2GFH 20.2GFJ 21.2GFK
22.2GFM 23.2GFN 24.2GFP 25.2GFQ 26.2GFR 27.2GFS
28.2GFT 29.2GFV 30.2GFW 31.2GFX 32.2GFY 33.2GFZ
34.2GG2 35.2GG3 36.2GG4 37.2GG5 38.2GG6 39.2GG7
40.2GG8 41.2GG9 42.2GGB 43.2GGC 44.2GGD 45.2GGF
46.2GGG 47.2GGH

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