Everything Science Grade 11

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


- = - =

- = - =

In mathematical form, subtracting �a from�b gives a new vector �c:

�c = �b− �a
= �b + (−�a)

This clearly shows thatsubtracting vector �a from�b is the same as adding (−�a) to�b. Look at the
following examples of vector subtraction.

- = + =� 0

- = + =

Scalar Multiplication ESBEI

What happens when you multiply a vector by ascalar (an ordinary number)?

Going back to normal multiplication we know that 2 × 2 is just 2 groups of 2 added together to give 4.
We can adopt a similarapproach to understandhow vector multiplication works.

2 x = + =

11.7 Techniques of Vector Addition

Now that you have learned about the mathematical properties of vectors, we return to vector addition
in more detail. There are a number of techniques of vector addition. These techniques fall intotwo
main categories - graphical and algebraic techniques.

Graphical Techniques ESBEK

Graphical techniques involve drawing accuratescale diagrams to denote individual vectors andtheir
resultants. We next discuss the two primary graphical techniques, the head-to-tail technique and the
parallelogram method.

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