Everything Science Grade 11

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Example 15: Newton III - forces in alift


Tammy travels from theground floor to the fifthfloor of a hotel in a lift.Which ONE of the
following statements is TRUE about the force exerted by the floor of the lift on Tammy’s feet?
A It is greater than the magnitude of Tammy’s weight.
B It is equal in magnitude to the force Tammy’sfeet exert on the floor.
C It is equal to what it would be in a stationary lift.
D It is greater than what it would be in a stationary lift.


Step 1 : Analyse the situation
This is a Newton’s ThirdLaw question and not Newton II. We need to focus on
the action-reaction pairsof forces and not the motion of the lift. The following
diagram will show theaction-reaction pairs that are present when a person is
standing on a scale in alift.

F 1 : force of feet on lift (downwards)

F 2 : force of lift on feet (upwards)
F 3 : force of Earth on person(downwards)
F 4 : force of person on Earth(upwards)

F 1

F 2

F 4

F 3

Figure 12.7: Newton’s action-reaction pairs in alift

In this question statements are made about theforce of the floor (lift) on
Tammy’s feet. This force corresponds to F 2 in our diagram. The reaction force
that pairs up with this one is F 1 , which is the force that Tammy’s feet exerts on
the floor of the lift. Themagnitude of these twoforces are the same, butthey act
in opposite directions.

Step 2 : Choose the correct answer
It is important to analyse the question first, before looking at the answers as the
answers might confuseyou. Make sure that you understand the situation and
know what is asked before you look at the options.
The correct answer is B.
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