Everything Science Grade 11

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Example 22: Coefficients of friction


A block of wood weighing 32 N is placed on arough, flat incline and arope is tied to it. The
tension in the rope canbe increased to 8 N before the block starts toslide. A force of 4 N
will keep the block moving at constant speed once it has been set in motion. Determine the
coefficients of static andkinetic friction.


Step 1 : Analyse the question and determine what is asked
The weight of the blockis given (32 N) and twosituations are identified: One
where the block is not moving (applied force is 8N), and one where the block is
moving (applied force is4 N).
We are asked to find thecoefficient for static friction μsand kinetic friction μk.

Step 2 : Find the coefficient ofstatic friction

Ff = μsN
8 = μs(32)
μs = 0, 25

Note that the coefficient of friction does not have a unit as it shows a ratio. The
value for the coefficientof friction friction can have any value up to a maximum
of 0,25. When a force less than 8 N is applied,the coefficient of frictionwill be
less than 0,25.

Step 3 : Find the coefficient ofkinetic friction
The coefficient of kinetic friction is sometimes also called the coefficient of dy-
namic friction. Here welook at when the blockis moving:

Ff = μkN
4 = μk(32)
μk = 0, 125

Exercise 12 - 4

  1. A 12 kg box is placed on a rough surface. Aforce of 20 N applied at an angle of 30◦to the
    horizontal cannot movethe box. Calculate themagnitude and direction of the normal and
    friction forces.

  2. A 100 kg crate is placed on a slope that makes an angle of 45◦with the horizontal. The box
    does not slide down theslope. Calculate the magnitude and direction ofthe frictional force and
    the normal force present in this situation.

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