Everything Science Grade 11

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


B 13 N due north and 13 N due west
C 15 N due north and 7N due west
D 15 N due north and13 N due east

  1. (a) Define the term’equilibrant’.
    (b) Two tugs, one with apull of 2500 N and the other with a pull of 3 000N are used to tow an
    oil drilling platform. Theangle between the two cables is 30◦. Determine, either by scale
    diagram or by calculation (a clearly labelled rough sketch must be given), the equilibrant
    of the two forces.

  2. A 10 kg block is held motionless by a forceF on a frictionless plane, which is inclined at an
    angle of 50◦to the horizontal, as shown below:

50 ◦


10 kg

(a) Draw a force diagram(not a triangle) indicating all the forces acting onthe block.
(b) Calculate the magnitude of force F. Includea labelled diagram showing a triangle of forces
in your answer.

  1. A rope of negligiblemass is strung betweentwo vertical struts. A mass M of weight W hangs
    from the rope through ahook fixed at point Y

(a) Draw a vector diagram, plotted head to tail, of the forces acting at point Y. Label each force
and show the size of each angle.
(b) Where will the tension be greatest? Part P orQ? Motivate your answer.
(c) When the tension inthe rope is greater than600N it will break. What is the maximum
mass that the above setup can support?





30 ◦^60

  1. An object of weight w is supported by two cables attached to the ceiling and wall as shown.
    The tensions in the twocables are T 1 and T 2 respectively. Tension T 1 = 1200 N. Determine the
    tension T 2 and weight w of the object by accurate construction and measurement or calculation.

T 1

T 2


45 ◦

70 ◦
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