Everything Science Grade 11

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


390 N

130 kg

(a) Calculate the mechanical advantage of the lever that he is using.
(b) What type of lever is he using? Give a reason for your answer.
(c) If the force is applied 1 m from the pivot, calculate the maximumdistance between the
pivot and the load.

  1. A crowbar is used tolift a box of weight 400N. The box is placed 75cm from the pivot. A crow
    bar is a class 1 lever.

(a) Why is a crowbar aclass 1 lever? Draw a diagram to explain your answer.
(b) What force F needsto be applied at a distance of 1,25 m from thepivot to balance the
(c) If force F was applied at a distance of 2 m, what would the magnitude of F be?

  1. A wheelbarrow is used to carry a load of 200N. The load is 40 cm from the pivot and the force
    F is applied at a distanceof 1,2 m from the pivot.

(a) What type of lever isa wheelbarrow?
(b) Calculate the force Fthat needs to be appliedto lift the load.

  1. The bolts holding acar wheel in place is tightened to a torque of90 N· m. The mechanic
    has two spanners to undo the bolts, one witha length of 20 cm andone with a length of 30
    cm. Which spanner should he use? Give a reason for your answer by showing calculations and
    explaining them.

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(1.) 01xb (2.) 01xc (3.) 01xd (4.) 01xe (5.) 01xf (6.) 01xg

Chapter 12 — Summary

See the summary presentation ( Presentation: VPkkv at http://www.everythingscience.co.za)

Newton’s First Law Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless it is
made to change its stateby the action of an unbalanced force.

Newton’s Second Law The resultant force acting on a body will cause the body to acceleratein the
direction of the resultant force The accelerationof the body is directly proportional to the mag-
nitude of the resultant force and inversely proportional to the mass of theobject.

Newton’s Third Law If body A exerts a forceon body B then body Bwill exert an equal but opposite
force on body A.

Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation Every body in the universe exerts a force on every other body.
The force is directly proportional to the productof the masses of the bodies and inversely pro-
portional to the square of the distance between them.
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