Everything Science Grade 11

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. A 30 kg box sits on aflat frictionless surface.Two forces of 200 N each are applied
    to the box as shown inthe diagram. Which statement best describes the motion of
    the box?
    (a) The box is lifted offthe surface.
    (b) The box moves to the right.
    (c) The box does not move.
    (d) The box moves to the left.


30 ◦



  1. A concrete block weighing 200 N is at rest on an inclined surface atan angle of 20◦.
    The normal reaction, innewtons, is
    (a) 200
    (b) 200 cos 20◦
    (c) 200 sin 20◦
    (d) 2000 cos 20◦

  2. [SC 2003/11]A box,mass m, is at rest on a roughhorizontal surface. A force of
    constant magnitude F is then applied on the box at an angle of 60◦to the horizontal,
    as shown.



60 ◦

rough surface

If the box has a uniformhorizontal accelerationof magnitude, a, the frictional force
acting on the box is...
(a) F cos60◦− ma in the direction of A
(b) F cos60◦− ma in the direction of B
(c) F sin60◦− ma in the direction of A
(d) F sin60◦− ma in the direction of B

  1. [SC 2002/11 SG] Thabo stands in a train carriage which is movingeastwards. The
    train suddenly brakes. Thabo continues to moveeastwards due to the effect of:
    (a) his inertia.
    (b) the inertia of the train.
    (c) the braking force onhim.
    (d) a resultant force acting on him.

  2. [SC 2002/11 HG1] Abody slides down a frictionless inclined plane.Which one of
    the following physical quantities will remain constant throughout the motion?
    (a) velocity
    (b) momentum
    (c) acceleration
    (d) kinetic energy

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