Everything Science Grade 11

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. [IEB 2004/11 HG1] Two identical billiard balls collide head-on witheach other. The
    first ball hits the secondball with a speed of V, and the second ball hits the first ball
    with a speed of 2V. Afterthe collision, the first ball moves off in the opposite direction
    with a speed of 2V. Which expression correctlygives the speed of the second ball
    after the collision?

(a) V
(b) 2V
(c) 3V
(d) 4V

  1. [SC 2002/11 HG1] Which one of the following physical quantities is the same as the
    rate of change of momentum?

(a) resultant force
(b) work
(c) power
(d) impulse

  1. [IEB 2005/11 HG] Cart X moves along a smooth track with momentum p. A resultant
    force F applied to the cart stops it in time t. Another cart Y has only half the mass of
    X, but it has the same momentum p.


2 m





In what time will cart Ybe brought to rest whenthe same resultant force F acts on

(a)^12 t
(b) t
(c) 2 t
(d) 4 t

  1. [SC 2002/03 HG1] Aball with mass m strikes a wall perpendicularly with a speed,
    v. If it rebounds in the opposite direction with the same speed, v, the magnitude of
    the change in momentum will be ...

(a) 2 mv
(b) mv
(c)^12 mv
(d) 0 mv

  1. Show that impulse and momentum have the same units.

  2. A golf club exerts an average force of 3 kNon a ball of mass 0,06 kg. If the golf club
    is in contact with the golf ball for 5 x 10−^4 seconds, calculate

(a) the change in the momentum of the golf ball.
(b) the velocity of the golf ball as it leaves the club.

  1. During a game of hockey, a player strikes astationary ball of mass 150 g. The graph
    below shows how the force of the ball varies with the time.

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