Everything Science Grade 11

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. Two children are playing on a seesaw. Tumi has a weight of 200 N andThandi weighs
    240 N. Tumi is sitting ata distance of 1,2 m fromthe pivot.
    (a) What type of lever isa seesaw?
    (b) Calculate the moment of the force that Tumiexerts on the seesaw.
    (c) At what distance from the pivot should Thandi sit to balance the seesaw?

  2. An applied force of25 N is needed to openthe cap of a glass bottleusing a bottle
    opener. The distance between the applied force and the fulcrum is 10cm and the
    distance between the load and the fulcrum is 1cm.
    (a) What type of lever isa bottle opener? Give areason for your answer.
    (b) Calculate the mechanical advantage of the bottle opener.
    (c) Calculate the force that the bottle cap is exerting.

  3. Determine the forceneeded to lift the 20 kgload in the wheelbarrowin the diagram

20 kg

50 cm 75 cm

  1. A body builder picksup a weight of 50 N using his right hand. The distance between
    the body builder’s handand his elbow is 45 cm. The distance betweenhis elbow
    and where his muscles are attached to his forearmis 5 cm.
    (a) What type of lever isthe human arm? Explainyour answer using a diagram.
    (b) Determine the forcehis muscles need to apply to hold the weight steady.

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Force and Newton’s laws
(1.) 00p4 (2.) 00p5 (3.) 00p6 (4.) 00p7 (5.) 00p8 (6.) 00p9
(7.) 00pa (8.) 00pb (9.) 00pc (10.) 00pd (11.) 00pe (12.) 00pf
(13.) 00pg (14.) 00ph (15.) 00pi (16.) 00pj (17.) 00pk (18.) 00pm
(19.) 00pn (20.) 00pp (21.) 00pq (22.) 00pr (23.) 00ps (24.) 00pt
(25.) 00pu (26.) 00pv (27.) 00pw (28.) 00px (29.) 00py (30.)00pz
(31.) 00q0 (32.) 00q1 (33.) 00q2 (34.) 00q3 (35.) 00q4 (36.) 00q5
(37.) 00q6
(1.) 00q7 (2.) 00q8 (3.) 00q9 (4.) 00qa (5.) 00qb (6.) 00qc
(7.) 00qd (8.) 00qe (9.) 00qf (10.) 00qg (11.) 00qh (12.) 00qi
(13.) 00qj (14.) 00qk (15.) 00qm (16.) 00qn (17.) 00qp
(1.) 00qq (2.) 00qr (3.) 00qs (4.) 00qt (5.) 00qu (6.) 00qv
(7.) 00qw (8.) 00qx (9.) 00qy (10.) 00qz (11.) 00r0 (12.) 00r1
(13.) 00r2 (14.) 00r3 (15.) 00r4 (16.) 00r5 (17.) 00r6 (18.) 00r7
(19.) 00r8 (20.) 00r9 (21.) 00ra
Torque and levers
(1.) 00rb (2.) 00rc (3.) 00rd (4.) 00re (5.) 00rf (6.) 00rg
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