Everything Science Grade 11

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


parallel rays of
light enter the lens

rays are focused
at the same point

(a) A converging lens will focus the rays that enter the lens

parallel rays of
light enter the lens

rays are spread out
as if they are coming
from the same point

(b) A diverging lens will spread out the rays that enter the lens

Figure 13.1: The behaviour of parallel light raysentering either a converging or diverging lens.

DEFINITION: Diverging Lenses

Diverging lenses diverge parallel rays of light and are thicker at the edges than in the

Examples of convergingand diverging lenses areshown in Figure 13.2.

converging lenses diverging lenses

Figure 13.2: Types of lenses

Before we study lensesin detail, there are a fewimportant terms that must be defined. Figure 13.3
shows important lens properties:

  • The principal axis is the line which runs horizontally straight through the optical centre of the
    lens. It is also sometimes called the optic axis.

  • The optical centre (O) of a convex lens isusually the centre pointof the lens. The direction of
    all light rays which passthrough the optical centre, remains unchanged.

  • The focus or focal point of the lens is the position on the principal axis where all light rays which
    run parallel to the principal axis through the lens converge (come together) at a point. Since light

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