Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Next, go back to the beginning and make your second pass. Find the questions you
circled and try them again. If your second attempt at these questions is bogging you
down, just pick one of the answer choices that you didn’t eliminate, write the letter
below the question number, and move on. Continue like this, either bubbling in your
answers in groups, or one at a time if time is growing short, and complete your
second pass. Finally, if you have any time remaining, consider starting a third pass.
Of course, the numbers of questions you decide to do immediately, do later, or not
do at all are entirely up to you, and will vary from test-taker to test-taker. Do make
sure that you get to the end of the test, because there may be easy questions lying in
wait there, however many questions you do or skip.

  1. A ball is thrown straight upward and falls back to the ground 3
    seconds later. At the moment the ball reaches its highest point


(A) its potential energy is minimized
(B) its acceleration is zero
(C) the net force on the ball is zero
(D) its velocity is changing
(E) the force of gravity on the ball is greater than when it was
first thrown

Question 21
This is what a question
you can answer on the
first pass should look like.
Use POE and write your
answer under the question

22.Which one of the following expressions gives the kinetic energy
of a proton of mass m that travels at speed of (4/5)x, where c is the
speed of light?

(A) m(0.8c)^2
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