Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

In the example above, xcm = = = −8.

The system behaves as if an object with mass 8 kg were 8 units to the left of the

If the system consists of objects that are not confined to the same straight line, use
the equation above to find the x-coordinate of their center of mass, and the
corresponding equation

to find the y-coordinate of their center of mass.

If the net external force on the system is zero, then the center of mass will not

  1. Object A, of mass 5 kg, and object B, of mass 10 kg, hang from
    light threads from the ends of a uniform bar of length 18 and mass 15
    kg. The masses A and B are at distances 6 and 12, respectively,
    below the bar. Find the center of mass of this system.

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