Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Be Positive
We will always treat the
object’s position as being
the positive side. For
mirrors, if the image is
produced on the same
side as the object, it is
considered a positive
distance. If an image is
produced on the opposite
side, it is considered a
negative distance.
Concave mirrors will
always have a positive
focal length (meaning the
focal point is on the same
side as the object).
Convex mirrors will always
have a negative focal
length (meaning the focal
point is on the opposite
side of the object).

The first equation, called the mirror equation, is

where so is the object’s distance from the mirror, si is the image’s
distance from the mirror, and f is the focal length of the mirror.

The value of so is always positive for a real object, but si can be positive or

negative. The sign of si tells us whether the image is real or virtual: If si is positive,

the image is real; and if si is negative, the image is virtual.

The second equation is called the magnification equation

This gives the magnification; the height of the image, hi, is |m| times the height of the

object, ho. If m is positive, then the image is upright relative to the object; if m is

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