Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
So the image is located 40 cm from the lens, on the opposite
side from the object.

  1. Because si is positive, the image is real.

  2. Real images are inverted.

  3. The magnification is

(The fact that the magnification is negative confirms that the
image is inverted.) The height of the image is

h 1 = |m| • b 0 = 1(10 cm) = 10 cm

These results are illustrated in Question 24.

Questions 31-34

An object of height 9 cm is placed 48 cm in front of a diverging lens
with a focal length of −24 cm.

What Produces What?
Only converging lenses
can produce real images
(if s 0 ≽ f). Diverging
lenses can only produce
virtual images.

  1. Where’s the image?

  2. Is it real or virtual?

  3. Is it upright or inverted?

  4. What’s the height of the image?

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