Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. A Since the force F is perpendicular to the displacement, the work it does is

  2. B By the work–energy theorem

  3. B Since the box (mass m) falls through a vertical distance of h, its
    gravitational potential energy decreases by mgh. The length of the ramp is
    irrelevant here.

  4. A W = ∆K = −∆U. The gravitational force points downward while the book’s
    displacement is upward. Therefore, the work done by gravity is −mgh = −(2
    kg)(10 N/kg)(1.5 m) = −30 J.

  5. D First, the kinetic energy the block gains is the same as the potential energy it

loses, which is mgh. Since this is equal to mv^2 , we find that v =.
Plugging in g = 10 m/s^2 and h = 4 m, we get v = ≈ 9 m/s.

  1. C Apply conservation of mechanical energy (including the negative work done
    by Ff, the force of sliding friction).

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