Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Note that the center of mass formula could also be used to find m 2 ,
though it would require algebra. Typically, the center of mass
formula is useful for determining where the balance point is. If the
balance point is known, then torque is usually easier.

  1. E Neither the velocity nor the acceleration is constant because the direction of
    each of these vectors is always changing as the object moves along its
    circular path. And the net force on the object is not zero because a centripetal
    force must be acting to provide the necessary centripetal acceleration to
    maintain the object’s circular motion.

  2. B First replace each rod by concentrating its mass at its center of mass

The center of mass of the two m’s is at their midpoint, at a distance

of L below the center of mass of the rod of mass 2m.
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