Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
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  1. A Since the centripetal force on each satellite is equal to the gravitational
    force it feels due to the earth, the question is equivalent to, “How does FA, the
    gravitational force on satellite A, compare to FB, the gravitational force on
    satellite B?” Because both satellites have the same mass, Newton’s law of
    gravitation tells us that the gravitational force is inversely proportional to r^2.
    Since satellite B is 3 times farther from the center of the earth than satellite A,

the gravitational force that satellite B feels is the gravitational

force felt by satellite A. (Be careful if you tried to apply the formula
for centripetal force and concluded that the answer was (B). This is wrong
because even though both satellites orbit at a constant speed, they don’t orbit
at the same speed, so the formula for centripetal force cannot be used

  1. C Since the centripetal force always points along a radius toward the center of
    the circle, and the velocity of the object is always tangent to the circle (and
    thus perpendicular to the radius), the work done by the centripetal force is
    zero. Alternatively, since the object’s speed remains constant, the work–
    energy theorem tells us that no work is being performed.

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