Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. D From the equation λf = v, we find that
    2. C The speed of a transverse traveling wave on a stretched rope is given

by the equation v =. Therefore

  1. D The time interval from a point moving from its maximum displacement
    above y = 0 (equilibrium) to its maximum displacement below equilibrium is
    equal to one-half the period of the wave. In this case

so the desired time is λ(4 s) = 2 s.

  1. E From the equations λf = v and f = I/T, we get λ = vT = 2(cm/s)(2 s) = 4 cm.
    5. E The distance between successive nodes is always equal to λ. If a
    standing wave on a string fixed at both ends has a total of 4 nodes, the string

must have a length L equal to 3( λ). If L = 6 m, then λ must equal 4 m.

  1. B We found in the previous question that λ = 4 m. Since v = 40 m/s, the
    frequency of this standing wave must be

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