Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

before striking the level ground.

  1. Let a 1 denote the acceleration of the cannonball of mass m one
    second after launch, and let a 2 denote the acceleration of the
    cannonball of mass m/2 one second after launch. Which of the
    following statements is true?
    (A) a 1 = 4a 2
    (B) a 1 = 2a 2
    (C) a 1 = a 2
    (D) a 2 = 2a 1
    (E) a 2 = 4a 1

  2. If the cannonball projected from ground level is in flight for a
    total time of T, what horizontal distance does it travel?

(A) v 0 T

(B) v 0 T

(C) v 0 Tsinθ 0

(D) v 0 Tcosθ0

(E) v 0 Tcosθ 0

  1. For the cannonball of mass m, which of the following quantities
    decreases as the cannonball falls to the ground?
    (A) Kinetic energy
    (B) Potential energy
    (C) Momentum
    (D) Speed
    (E) Mass

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