Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

All six resistors in the circuit have the same resistance, R, and the battery
is a source of constant voltage, V.

  1. How does the current through Resistor a compare with the
    current through Resistor b?
    (A) The current through Resistor a is 9 times the current
    through Resistor b.
    (B) The current through Resistor a is 3 times the current
    through Resistor b.
    (C) The current through Resistor a is the same as the current
    through Resistor b.
    (D) The current through Resistor b is 3 times the current
    through Resistor a.
    (E) The current through Resistor b is 9 times the current
    through Resistor a.

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