Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. D The period, T, is the reciprocal of the frequency, and the frequency, f,
    always satisfies the equation λf = v. So, we find that

  2. A Because each half-life is 1.5 hours, a time interval of 6 hours is equal to 4
    half-lives. After each half-life elapses, the mass of the sample is cut in half,
    so after 4 half-lives, the mass of the sample decreases from 2 grams to 1
    gram to 0.5 grams to 0.25 grams and, finally, to 0.125 grams.

  3. E Electric potential is defined as kQ/r. Radius r represents the distance
    between the charges. Since all the pairs of charges are +Q, electric potential
    is the greatest when r is the smallest, which is answer choice E.

  4. A By the principle of superposition, the total electric force on the charge in
    the lower right-hand corner is simply the sum of the individual electric
    forces produced by each of the charges in the other three corners. The first
    following diagram shows the directions of the individual electric forces that
    each of the other three charges exerts separately on the lower right-hand
    charge. The second and third diagrams then show how these three vectors
    add together to give the net electric force.

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