Pre-Algebra Demystified

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. 19 yd to inches

  2. 24,640 yd to miles

  3. 14 mi to feet

  4. 31,680 ft to miles

  5. 6000 yd to miles (write the remainder in yards)

  6. 43 ft 9 in. to feet

  7. 19 yd 8 ft 5 in. to inches


  1. 192 in.

  2. 63 yd

  3. 114 in.

  4. 684 in.

  5. 14 mi

  6. 73,920 ft

  7. 6 mi

  8. 3 mi 720 yd

  9. 43^34 ft

  10. 785 in.

Measures of Weight

Weight is measured in ounces, pounds, and tons. Use the conversion factors
in Table 10.2 and follow the rules stated in the Basic Concepts.

Table 10.2 Conversion Factors for Weight
1 ton (T)¼2000 pounds (lb)
1 pound (lb)¼16 ounces (oz)


Change 9 pounds to ounces.


9lb16 oz¼144 oz

192 CHAPTER 10 Measurement

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