Division of Whole Numbers
In division, the number under the division box is called thedividend. The
number outside the division box is called thedivisor. The answer in division is
called thequotient. Sometimes the answer does not come outeven; hence,
there will be aremainder.
3 quotient
divisor! 8 Þ 25 dividend
1 remainder
The process oflong divisionconsists of a series of steps. They are divide,
multiply, subtract, and bring down. When dividing it is also necessary to esti-
mate how many times the divisor divides into the dividend. When the divisor
consists of two or more digits, the estimation can be accomplished by dividing
the first digit of the divisor into the first one or two digits of the dividend. The
process is shown next.
Divide 543 by 37.
Step 1:
37 Þ543 Divide 3 into 5 to get 1
Step 2:
37 Þ 543 Multiply 1 37
Step 3:
37 Þ 543
17 Subtract 37 from 54
CHAPTER 1 Whole Numbers 9