Pre-Algebra Demystified

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Graphing Lines

Equations of the form axþby¼c where a, b, and c are real numbers are
calledlinear equations in two variablesand their graphs are straight lines.
In order to graph a linear equation, find the coordinates of two points on the
line (i.e., solutions), and then plot the points and draw the line through the two

Draw the graph of xþy¼6.

Select two values for x and find the corresponding y values:
Let x¼ 3 Let x¼ 5
xþy¼6xþy¼ 6
3 þy¼ 65 þy¼ 6
3  3 þy¼ 6  35  5 þy¼ 6  5
y¼3y¼ 1
(3, 3) (5, 1)
Plot the points and draw a line through the two points (see Fig. 11-7).

210 CHAPTER 11 Graphing

Fig. 11-7.
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