Pre-Algebra Demystified

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Math Note: When graphing lines, it is best to select three points
rather than two points in case an error has been made. If an error has
been made, the three points will not line up.


Draw the graph of each of the following:

  1. xy¼ 3

  2. xþ4y¼ 9

  3. 2xþ5y¼ 7

  4. 3xy¼ 6

  5. 5xþy¼ 11


  1. See Fig. 11-9

  2. See Fig. 11-10

  3. See Fig. 11-11

  4. See Fig. 11-12

  5. See Fig. 11-13

212 CHAPTER 11 Graphing

Fig. 11-9.
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