Pre-Algebra Demystified

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
However, for some people, none of these techniques will work. What then?
If you cannot stop your anxious thoughts, then there is only one thing left to
do. It is what I call thebrute force technique. That is to realize that you must
attend class, do the homework, study, and take the exams. So force yourself
mentally and physically to do what is necessary to succeed. After brute for-
cing several times, you will see that it will take less effort each time, and soon
your anxiety will lessen.
In summary, confront your anxiety head on. Develop a positive attitude
and use stress reduction techniques when needed.

Part 3 Study and Test-Taking Techniques

Having an understanding of math anxiety and being able to reduce stress are
not enough to be successful in mathematics. You need to learn the basic skills
of how to study mathematics. These skills include how to use the classroom,
how to use the textbook, how to do your homework, how to review for
exams, and how to take an exam.


In order to learn mathematics, it is absolutely necessary toattend class. You
should never miss class unless extreme circumstances require it. If you know
ahead of time that you will be absent, ask your instructor for the assignment
in advance, then read the book, and try to do the homework before the next
class. If you have an emergency or are ill and miss class, call your instructor
or a friend in the class to get the assignment. Again, read the material and try
the problems before the next class, if possible. Be sure to tell your instructor
why you were absent.
Finally, if you are going to be absent for an extended period of time, let
your instructor know why and get the assignments. If you cannot call him or
her, have a friend or parent do it for you.
Come to each class prepared. This means to have all the necessary materi-
als, including homework, notebook, textbook, calculators, pencil, computer
disk, and any other supplies you may need.
Always select a seat in front of the classroom and near the center. This
assures that you will be able to see the board and hear the instructor.
Pay attention at all times and take good notes. Write down anything your
instructor writes on the board. If necessary, bring a tape recorder to class and

280 SUPPLEMENT Overcoming Math Anxiety

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