Pre-Algebra Demystified

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Finally, if there is no review in the book, you can make up your own
review by selecting one or two problems from each section in the chapter.
Use these problems to make up your own practice test. Be sure not to select
the first or second problem in each unit because most mathematics books are
arranged so that the easy problems are first.
When you review, it is important to memorize symbols, rules, procedures,
definitions, and formulas. In order to memorize, it is best to make a set of
cards as shown here:

Front Back

Commutative For any real
Property of numbers, a and b,
Addition aþb¼bþa

On the front of the card, write the name of the property, and on the back,
write the property. Then when you are studying, run the cards through the
front side and then on the other side. This way you can learn both the
property and also the name of the property.
Finally, you must be aware that a review session is not a study session. If
you have been doing your work all along, then your review should be short.


There are three types of exams that mathematics instructors give. They are
closed book exams, open book exams, and take home exams.
First, let’s talk about closed book exams given in the classroom. Make sure
that you show up 5–10 minutes before the class begins. Bring all the necessary
materials such as a pencil with an eraser, your calculator, paper, and any-
thing else that you may need. Look over and study materials before class.
After you receive your exam paper, look over the entire test before getting
started. Read the directions carefully. Do all of the problems that you know
how to do first, and then go back and try the others. Don’t spend too much
time on any one problem. Write down any formulas that you may need.
Show all necessary steps if a problem requires it.
If there is any time left after you finish the exam, go back and check it for
If you don’t understand something, ask your instructor. Remember you
cannot expect your instructor to tell you whether or not your answer is
correct or how to do the problem.

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