Pre-Algebra Demystified

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


negative numbers 17
integer 17
irrational 183
positive 17
negative 17
rational 98
real 183
numerator 38
numerical coefficient 127

operation 4
opposite 18
order of operations 32–35
ordered pair 203
ordinate 203
origin 17

parallel lines 225
parallelogram 166
parentheses 132–133
partial product 7
percent 105–125
changing to a decimal 106–107
changing to a fraction 111–112
three types of problems 112–119
solving by circle method 112–119
solving by equations 147–149
solving by proportions 159–160
perimeter 166–170
rectangle 167
square 168
triangle 167
period 2
Pi () 169
place value 1, 83
plane 165
point 165
addition 234–235
definition 233
division by a monomial 247
multiplication 239–245
subtraction 235–236
product 7
proper fraction 39
proportion 154–156

pyramid 176
Pythagorean theorem 183–185

quadrant 203
quotient 9

radius 166
raising a monomial to a power 238–239
rate 112
ratio 153–154
rational number 98
real number 183
reciprocal 68
rectangle 166
rectangular coordinate plane 203
rectangular solid 176
reducing fractions 39–41
remainder 5, 9
repeating decimal 94–96
right member 135
right triangle 183
root 135
decimals 85
whole numbers 3–4

slope 221–225
solving equations 135–143
sphere 176
square 166
squaring a binomial 242–243
square root 182–183
decimals 87–88
fractions 59–61
integers 24–25
like terms 131
mixed numbers 61–64
polynomials 235–236
whole numbers 5–6
subtraction principle 136
subtrahend 5
system of linear equations 225–228
consistent 225–226
dependent 225–226
inconsistent 225–226
independent 225–226
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