Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  • A battery consists of one or more voltaic cells, each of which is madeup of two
    half cells that are connected in series by a conductive electrolyte. Eachhalf cell
    has a net electromotiveforce (emf) or voltage.The net voltage of the battery is
    the difference betweenthe voltages of the half-cells. This potential difference
    between the two half cells is what causes an electric current to flow.

  • A primary battery cannot be recharged, but a secondary battery can be recharged.

  • The capacity of a battery depends on the chemical reactions in the cells, the
    quantity of electrolyteand electrode material in the cell, and the discharge
    conditions of the battery.

  • The relationship between the current, discharge time and capacity of abattery is
    expressed by Peukert’s law:

Cp= Ikt

In the equation, ’Cp’ represents the battery’s capacity (Ah), I is the discharge
current (A), k is the Peukert constant and t is thetime of discharge (hours).

  • Two common types ofbatteries are lead-acid batteries and the zinc-carbon dry

  • In a lead-acid battery, each cell consists of electrodes of lead (Pb) and lead (IV)
    oxide (PbO 2 ) in an electrolyte of sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ). When the battery dis-
    charges, both electrodes turn into lead (II) sulphate (PbSO 4 ) and the electrolyte
    loses sulfuric acid to become mostly water.

  • A zinc-carbon cell is made up of an outer zinc container, which acts as the anode.
    The cathode is the central carbon rod, surrounded by a mixture of carbon and
    manganese (IV) oxide (MnO 2 ). The electrolyte is a paste of ammonium chloride
    (NH 4 Cl). A fibrous fabric separates the two electrodes, and a brass pin in the
    centre of the cell conducts electricity to the outside circuit.

  • Despite their many advantages, batteries are made of potentially toxicmaterials
    and can be damaging tothe environment.

Chapter 5 End of Chapter Exercises

  1. Give one word or term for each of the following descriptions:
    (a) A solid organic compound that can be usedto produce liquid
    (b) The process used toconvert heavy hydrocarbons into light hydro-
    (c) The process of separating nitrogen from liquid air.
    (d) The main raw material in the chloralkali industry.

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