
(avery) #1

You will effortlessly pick up
information by browsing through
the book’s facts and tips (e.g. which
bird can change its eye colour from
brown to red when angry?).
Another feature that is particularly
helpful is the colour coding of the
distribution maps. This immediately
tells the reader whether the bird is
common, uncommon or rare.
This saves one reading through
reams of text on population and
demography and trying to
decipher those complicated maps.
As always Faansie’s illustrations
are excellent and the birds are
featured in their natural habitat –
sometimes camouflaged, eating
their favourite prey or indulging
in typical activities.

The author
has reinvented
by making it
attractive to kids
and adults alike.

Lots of birds follow big mammals around and swoop down to catch

biodiversity | book review

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