
(avery) #1

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This process is also not limited to the traditionally
chopped silages that couldn’t be baled, as for example
oats or lucerne silage can now be baled and wrapped in
an already processed/chopped form. This reduces the
need for daily processing and/or chopping during the
year when the roughage needs to be fed. And we all know
when hay is fed unprocessed, the losses through feeding
is extremely high.
Silage is regarded as the best way to store quality
roughage for a long time, as it maintains its high
palatability and doesn’t degrade due to exposure.
Of all silage storage methods available, the wrapped
bales from Agronic machines have the highest measured
density (compaction). This means rapid and efficient
removal of oxygen, which delivers exceptionally high-
quality silage.
Various bales can be produced with the Agronic
machines, pressing various products, including grass,
hay, straw, corn, TMR, alfalfa, pulp, wood chips and much



Our MultiBalers are characterised not only by their simple
construction but also by their low power requirements.
The feed bunker has high perseverance and a precise
crop feed for optimum processing quality.
Feed packed in bales with AGRONIC MultiBalers have
scientifically been proven to generate a higher yield in
milk and meat production when compared to feed
from silos.

The AGRONIC MR 820 MultiBaler in the process of baling maize.

Silage made with AGRONIC
MultiBalers was used with great
Wildebeest and many other plains
game species as can be seen in the
picture inserts.
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