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Godfrey (Jeff) Harris has been President of the Harris/Ragan
Management Group, a public policy consulting firm headquartered
in Los Angeles, since 1968, and a member of the International
Ivory Society since its inception. He created the Ivory Education
Institute in 2014 to bring about a better understanding of the
historic, artistic and practical uses of ivory among the general
public. His personal collection of practical objects made from or
with ivory now numbers more than 700 pieces.
He began consulting after serving as a university instructor at
UCLA and Rutgers; a U.S. Army intelligence officer; a U.S. foreign
service officer in Bonn, London, and Washington; an organisational
specialist in President Lyndon Johnson’s Executive Office; and
a programme manager for an international financial company in
Geneva. During his career, Harris has worked on Capitol Hill in
Washington, been involved in lobbying in state capitols, managed
political campaigns, and has been a registered lobbyist and
foreign agent.
His consulting assignments have involved political and economic
analysis and advocacy; marketing public and private-sector
services through word-of-mouth advertising; developing new
environmental and commercial products; promoting international
tourism to various destinations; and creating commemorative,
enlightening, and educational public and private events. In
addition, he has formed and managed several advocacy groups
on behalf of specific interests.
Harris has written 75 books on his own or with associates,
including Credit the Crocodile, The Fascination of Ivory and
Ivory’s Cultural Importance. One of his latest books on how
American government really works in the 21st century is called
Lobbycratic Governance. He holds degrees from Stanford
University and the University of California, Los Angeles.

Scan the QR code or visit
https://youtu.be/lUero6xt9Hs to
watch the video: ‘IVORY’S PLACE
IN THE WORLD’. Produced by Ivory
Education Institute.

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Photo © Jonathan Pledger

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