php[architect] November 2018

(singke) #1
32 \ November 2018 \

The Workshop

Producing Packages, Part Two

Joe Ferguson

Last month we started building PHP Easy Math, a small library which can be included in
PHP projects to provide simple methods to do basic addition and subtraction. We’re using
this as an example library to focus on what makes a library “good” we are less worried
about the practical need for and usage of our package.

What Did We Forget?

If you have not yet read Part
1 pause here and go read The
Workshop: Producing Pack-
ages (Part 1). Head over to
to get the library code.

At the end of the previous article I
asked readers what we forgot to do in
our library and to reach out to me on
Twitter with the answer. I’m happy to
say MemphisPHP user group leader
Bryce Sharp was the first to answer
correctly (Figure 1).

Pick a License
Licensing any code you write is
incredibly important. Even if you’re not
sharing code with the entire open source
world you still should have a license. If
you are sharing open source code and
there is no license which means no one
is allowed to do anything with your
code! To sort through software licenses
I highly recommend reading Choose a
License^1. Choose a License does a great
job of explaining the benefits of differ-
ent open source licenses. However if
you do not put a license on your code it
is considered proprietary software and
is unable to be used by anyone. The act
of using a permissive license if you are
expressly granting approval for others
to use your code.
Since our PHP Easy Math library is
a very basic package we are using for
learning, we’re going to add the MIT

1 Choose a License:

License^2 to the library. This will allow
anyone to use our library in their own
projects or modify our code to suite
their needs. However our copyright
must remain intact. You can see we
added our LICENSE file in the repository^3.
One last housekeeping task we’re
going to perform is to rename our
README file to We’re using
Markdown^4 but Github is not rendering
our markdown because we do not have
a file extension. Once we have renamed
the file our contents will be rendered as
we’d expect and not just as plain text.

Documentation is Key
Do you expect potential users of your
library to read the source code? Of
course not, documentation is import-
ant. It’s the best way to ensure your code
is easy to understand by other develop-
ers. You’ll also ensure you’re explaining
anything which may not be perfectly
obvious to someone else reading or
using the code without getting bogged
down in the internal workings.
In our haste to create our library
we forgot to document our add() and
subtract() methods. While these
are not overly complex methods we
should still add documentation blocks
(doc blocks) to help IDEs with auto
completion as well as generating our
Addition is shown in Listing 1.
See Listing 2 for handling subtraction.

2 MIT License:
3 in the repository:
4 Markdown:

Figure 1

Listing 1

  1. <?php

  2. /**

    • Sum 2 numbers

    • @param float $x

    • @param float $y

    • @return float

  3. */

  4. public function add($x, $y)

  5. {

  6. return $x + $y;

  7. }

Listing 2

  1. <?php

  2. /**

    • Subtract 2 numbers

    • @param float $x

    • @param float $y

    • @return float

  3. */

  4. public function subtract($x, $y)

  5. {

  6. return $x - $y;

  7. }

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