Stocks gave back some of
their recent gains Wednes-
day as a batch of discourag-
ing economic data
prompted investors to take a
pause a day after the mar-
ket’s record-setting climb.
The Standard & Poor’s
500 index dropped 0.2% a
day after setting an all-time
high. The Dow Jones indus-
trial average slipped below
30,000, a day after crossing
that milestone for the first
time. Industrial, energy and
healthcare companies ac-
counted for much of the de-
cline. Technology compa-
nies rose, driving the
Nasdaq composite to a
record high.
The selling followed re-
ports showing the number of
Americans seeking unem-
ployment aid jumped last
week to the highest level in
more than a month. A sepa-
rate report showed con-
sumer spending posted the
weakest gain since April.
Despite the pullback,
Wall Street closed up shop
for the Thanksgiving holi-
day with the benchmark
S&P 500 still up 11% this
The S&P 500 fell 5.
points to 3,629.65. The Dow
gave up 173.77 points, or 0.6%,
to 29,872.47. The tech-heavy
Nasdaq gained 57.62 points,
or 0.5%, to 12,094.40. The in-
dex, which is on a three-day
winning streak, last hit an
all-time high Sept. 2.
Stocks have been push-
ing higher this month as in-
vestors have grown more
hopeful that the devel-
opment of coronavirus vac-
cines and treatments will
help pave the way for the
economy to recover next
This week, traders have
also been encouraged by
signs that the transition of
power in the U.S. to Presi-
dent-elect Joe Biden has be-
Still, signs that the pan-
demic continues to weigh on
the economy remain in the
forefront. On Wednesday,
the government said the
number of Americans apply-
ing for unemployment ben-
efits rose last week to
778,000, the highest level in
five weeks.
The downbeat economic
reports spurred the rally in
technology stocks, which
traders have consistently
bet on this year. Big Tech
names such as Apple, Micro-
soft and Amazon have been
favored because the compa-
nies tend to have strong bal-
ance sheets and are ex-
pected to continue doing
well once the pandemic sub-
The yield on the bench-
mark 10-year Treasury rose
to 0.88% from 0.87% late
U.S. markets will be
closed Thursday for the
Thanksgiving holiday. They
will be open for half the day
Friday, closing at 1 p.m.
Stocks mixed after jobless report
associated press
Dow industrials
S&P 500
Nasdaq composite
S&P 400
Russell 2000
EuroStoxx 50
Hang Seng(Hong Kong)
Daily % YTD %
29,872.47 -173.77 -0.58 +4.
3,629.65 -5.76 -0.16 +12.
12,094.40 +57.62 +0.48 +34.
2,201.56 -16.28 -0.73 +6.
1,845.02 -8.51 -0.46 +10.
3,083.12 -2.58 -0.08 -9.
26,296.86 +131.27 +0.50 +11.
26,669.75 +81.55 +0.31 -5.
Major stock indexes
change change
Associated Press
Every day during Octo-
ber, 66-year-old Los Angeles
resident Mitch Besser
stepped outside to his Con-
cept2 rowing machine,
muscling out a total for the
month of 500,000 meters, or
nearly 311 miles.
Besser accomplished
that feat — rowing an aver-
age of 10 miles each day — as
part of a virtual fundraiser
for Mothers2mothers, a
charity he founded in 2001
when he was a doctor in
South Africa to provide edu-
cation and support for HIV-
positive mothers and chil-
dren. The organization usu-
ally raises money with a
sponsored group bike ride,
which every two years
reaped as much as $250,
and familiarized donors
with the people and places
helped by their contrib-
Perhaps fortunately,
Besser had limited knowl-
edge of the sport and no idea
that on some days he was
rowing 10 times the length of
Olympic rowing events.
“I had nothing to com-
pare it to. Sometimes, if you
think too much, you never
try,” said Besser, who kept
himself on pace with music,
including the Eurythmics’
“Would I lie to you?” — not a
surprising choice given that
he’s married to group mem-
ber Annie Lennox. She
rowed too.
“In any other situation
rowing would seem like an
absolutely ridiculous idea as
a fundraiser,” said Emma
France, global and strategic
engagement director for
Mothers2mothers. “But in
these strange times are ide-
as that we have to consider
and pursue.”
At-home volunteers
raised $325,000 — more than
the usual bike event —
through rowing, plus addi-
tional remote fundraising
through bicycling, walking
and running. It’s a successful
tale in an otherwise trou-
bling year for many nonprof-
Donors are giving heavily
to organizations dealing
with the novel coronavirus
and its economic fallout —
developing vaccines, im-
proving treatment and sup-
plying food and other neces-
sities to those suddenly un-
employed, for instance. The
tally reached $16.5 billion
this week for wealthy corpo-
rations, foundations and in-
dividuals, according to Can-
did, a nonprofit that tracks
But many other charities
are struggling because the
pandemic has shut down all
in-person events. In addi-
tion, regular donors who ar-
en’t wealthy but make small
contributions may have lost
work because of co-
ronavirus-related restric-
tions and can no longer give.
The California Assn. of
Nonprofits said that a third
of its members have cut
services by more than 50%.
Nearly 4 in 10 nonprofits
could close for lack of fund-
ing in the next three years,
Candid has projected.
Nonprofits are respond-
ing with innovative ways to
raise money, such as Moth-
ers2mothers’ virtual feats of
Hilarity for Charity put
on an online game show for
Alzheimer’s education, pre-
vention and caregiver sup-
port. The Florence Immi-
grant & Refugee Rights
Project hosted a remote doc-
umentary viewing party.
It doesn’t always work
out. New Jersey-based JAR
of Hope, for instance, had
begun to raise funds for
Duchenne muscular dystro-
phy research with an online
raffle but had to stop after
the state’s attorney general
ruled that charities can’t op-
erate remote raffles.
Here are four nonprofits
that are finding a way during
the pandemic.
Hilarity for Charity
The Santa Monica Pier
was packed on a September
day before the pandemic ar-
rived in the U.S., with ticket-
holders lining up for rides
and celebrity-run carnival
games during Hilarity for
Charity County Fair 2019.
It was a big fundraiser for
the charity, which focuses on
Alzheimer’s disease and
helping people caring for a
family member with the af-
fliction. The nonprofit is a
passion project for actor
Seth Rogen and his wife,
Lauren Miller Rogen, whose
mother has Alzheimer’s.
This kind of event
couldn’t be held in 2020 be-
cause of the surging pan-
demic, but the organization
was already accustomed to
gathering groups in a virtual
“Our support group
model has never been in per-
son and has always been run
through virtual meeting
rooms,” Miller Rogen said.
And so we’ve always known
that people can come to-
gether in a really supportive
way, digitally and virtually.”
Rogen said they brain-
stormed about “a virtual
event that would be fun and
exciting. And we came up
with the idea of a virtual
game show.”
The comedian hosted it
in the gaudiest of suits — yel-
low, orange, brown and
black plaid — and worked
with teams led by actresses
Anna Faris and Elizabeth
Banks, and comedy veter-
ans Jim Gaffigan, Craig Rob-
inson and Billy Eichner. The
show was sponsored by
biotech firm Biogen.
The game show raised
about $325,000, which the
Rogens said was roughly
one-third to one-half the
amount their typical in-per-
son events bring in. But the
big surprise was the size of
the Zoom crowd that
showed up, about 2,000 peo-
ple from around the world,
larger than the crowd at the
Santa Monica Pier last year.
“I think we’ve seen that
there are ways of bringing
large groups of people to-
gether virtually that are very
effective,” Rogen said, “And
that doesn’t mean we re-
place in-person events, but I
think we can simply add
these types of things
throughout the year.
They’re fun and easy for peo-
ple to commit to.”
Florence Immigrant
& Refugee Rights
Despite the coronavirus
outbreak, the Florence Im-
migrant & Refugee Rights
Project has remained busy
with services that include
providing legal representa-
tion in immigration pro-
ceedings for detained adults
and children and reuniting
The project helps asylum
seekers hoping to settle in
the U.S. Patricia, who asked
that her last name not be
used because she fears for
her safety, was a refugee
from Nicaragua, where she
said she was persecuted for
her support of the “blue and
white movement” pro-
democracy protests. The
project helped her win asy-
lum, and she now lives with
an aunt in Florida.
The pandemic created
new problems for the Arizo-
na-based nonprofit to
“Arizona detention cen-
ters had the worst outbreaks
in the country,” said Gabri-
ela Corrales, the project’s di-
rector of philanthropy. “And
so we sued multiple times for
people to be released, espe-
cially the medically vulnera-
ble. We are always pivoting
because of COVID-19.”
A crucial pivot began in
2019 when, at the persistent
and prophetic advice of their
philanthropy consultant,
the project’s leaders had
started to back off from its
busy calendar of in-person
fundraisers, which can be
expensive to put on, as a way
to save money.
“We had an art show last
year. We had a pro bono
event where we had our at-
torneys attend from all
across the state,” Corrales
said. “We had planned this
year to visit several cities. In-
stead, we’ve had to shift to
virtual events, and that’s
been a big change.”
When the Netflix docu-
mentary “Immigration Na-
tion” premiered in July, the
Florence Immigrant & Ref-
ugee Rights Project hosted
an online viewing party for
more than 70 donors, fol-
lowed by a discussion of the
film’s examination of the
U.S. immigration system.
“We were also sharing
how the numbers of deten-
tions and family separations
were climbing,” Corrales
said. “We asked people to
please keep sharing this in-
formation, keep talking
about this because we don’t
want people to forget.”
Online gatherings re-
quire few personnel, no ven-
ue, caterer and other event
necessities. As a result, the
net amount the project re-
ceives from donations is
down just slightly compared
with 2019, Corrales said.
No Kid Hungry
Bill Shore, executive
chairman of No Kid Hungry,
has an enviable pandemic
problem: handling more
funding from donations
than the 10-year-old organi-
zation has ever seen by a fac-
tor of several million dollars.
By early November, No
Kid Hungry had used the
generosity to regift $34.5 mil-
lion to more than 1,
schools, food banks and
community organizations,
with plans to distribute an
additional $28 million by the
end of the year, said Shore,
who founded the nonprofit.
“I think there was a mo-
ment early on in the pan-
demic when people were
desperate to make some
kind of difference,” Shore
“You couldn’t cure it. You
couldn’t invent a vaccine.
You couldn’t donate to a vac-
cine, really. So I think in
some ways, we were the next
best way for folks who felt
like ‘I’ve got to do some-
thing, because this is so ter-
rible.’ ”
When No Kid Hungry
had to shift its message from
in-person events, Shore
found help from many
“We’ve had the fitness
trainer Isaac Calpito raising
more than $1 million on his
livestream workout every
day, seven days a week, at 11
a.m. on Instagram. We had
Broadway actors creating
alternative theatrical events
called the Homebound Proj-
ect. They were livestream,
one-person, one-actor short
Hollywood agent Rich-
ard Weitz and his teenage
daughter, Demi, raised mon-
ey for No Kid Hungry with
the aptly named Quaran-
tunes, which featured big
names including John May-
er, Josh Groban and Boy
George Zoom-casting from
their homes.
“Every Saturday night,
they were doing this very ex-
clusive livestream invita-
tion-only, password-pro-
tected event to raise money.
One of those raised a really
significant amount of money
for us,” Shore said.
No Kid Hungry also had
celebrities reading short
stories streamed on various
social media platforms, in
partnership with Save the
Children, to drive more in-
terest in donating. The read-
ers included actresses
Lupita Nyong’o, Jennifer
Garner and Amy Adams.
“We also, for the first
time, launched a direct-re-
sponse TV campaign that
featured actor Jeff Bridges,”
said Andrea Holliday, senior
manager for national con-
sumer media for No Kid
Hungry and its parent or-
ganization, Share Our
Corporate donations
came from Taco Bell,
Williams-Sonoma, Verizon,
NBCUniversal and others.
“The level of generosity
has been astonishing,” he
said, acknowledging that he
was somewhat worried dur-
ing the early days of the virus
lockdowns, “but then the
funds really just started to
flow in. They haven’t
stopped. They’ve slowed
down, but they haven’t
Besser, who was rowing
10,000 to 20,000 meters a day
by the end of the month, had
prepared himself for the po-
tential — perhaps even likeli-
hood — of failure of his goal
to convince volunteers to
row 1 million meters for
Besser, who has stepped
in as interim chairman for
the charity’s South Africa of-
fice, was counting on the or-
ganization’s track record:
Creating over 11,000 jobs for
women living with HIV and
providing services and edu-
cation. Most important,
women are giving birth to
babies free of HIV, Besser
said. Mothers2mothers gets
half of its money from the
U.S. government and has a
budget of $25 million, Besser
But it was a bad time to
be asking anyone for money,
he thought, particularly for a
cause involving a distant
continent when there was so
much to be done in the U.S.
His fallback hope was just
for “some proof of concept,
that the idea might work,”
he said.
He was wrong. Volun-
teers rowed more than 2.
million meters for Moth-
“We had 41 rowers alto-
gether, aged 6 to 66, includ-
ing my wife, Annie,” Besser
said. “We had three Olympi-
ans who rowed for us. We
had a U.K. team that be-
longed to a rowing gym
called Rowbots.”
The effort was boosted by
one of Britain’s most popu-
lar soccer players, who has a
whopping 43.7 million follow-
ers on Instagram.
Gareth Bale, a soccer
player for Tottenham Hot-
spur, reached out to his fol-
lowers and asked people to
Despite the success of the
remote events, the semian-
nual bicycle ride was sorely
missed. This year was sup-
posed to be in Uganda for
five days in October.
“It’s more than just a
ride,” Besser said. “We go to
our sites, we meet the site
staff. It’s half riding and half
exposure to Mothers2moth-
ers in the field. We always go
to where we’re program-
ming so that the riders can
really feel what we’re doing.”
Besser said future fund-
raising probably will become
a hybrid of live and virtual
“I imagine the beauty of
being able to raise $200,
to $300,000 every other year,
and now we’re going to be
able to do that every year,”
Besser said. “The proof of
concept worked very nicely.”
Charities get creative amid COVID
With no in-person
fundraising, nonprofits
are coming up with
ideas such as a rowing
event and game show.
By Ronald D. White
MITCH BESSER, husband of Eurythmics singer Annie Lennox, at his Los Angeles home’s rowing machine,
where he stroked out 500,000 meters in a fundraising event for the charity Mothers2mothers.
Annie Lennox
SETH ROGENand his wife, Lauren Miller Rogen,
run Hilarity for Charity to provide Alzheimer’s aid.
Gregg DeGuireGetty Images