Los Angeles Times 11/26/2020

(Joyce) #1



The most beloved hymn of
Thanksgiving bids us to gather to-
gether to ask the Lord’s blessing.
So do perhaps the most poignant,
and unjustly forgotten, presi-
dential remarks in our history,
many delivered at times of national
turbulence and tumult.
Just months after his election,
George Washington — who had led
his beleaguered Revolutionary
War troops in Thanksgiving rituals
outside Valley Forge, Pa., in 1777 —
began the tradition of presidential
proclamations at this season.
In the autumn of 1789 he urged
the young nation to pause in
thanks and to express hope that
“our national government [will be]
a blessing to all the people, by con-
stantly being a Government of
wise, just, and constitutional laws,
discreetly and faithfully executed
and obeyed.”
For more than two centuries,
Washington’s successors have
promulgated Thanksgiving proc-
lamations, urging the country to
reflect on its bounty, as Theodore
Roosevelt did in 1901 when he said
that “no people on earth have such
abundant cause for thanksgiving
as we have,” and to dedicate itself
to preserving what Rutherford B.
Hayes described in 1879 as “the su-
premacy and security of the great
institutions of civil and religious
These proclamations surely are
among the most neglected of presi-
dential remarks. They haven’t had
the staying power of inaugural ad-
dresses (“ask not what your coun-
try can do for you”) or calls to ac-
tion (“a day which will live in in-
famy”) or remembrance (“we can-
not hallow this ground”).
But the Thanksgiving ad-
dresses are instructive, reflecting
how presidents marked the holi-
day in their own periods of chal-
For decades the date of Thanks-
giving varied from state to state,
but Abraham Lincoln, heeding the
plea of magazine editor Sarah Jo-
sepha Hale that the day of our an-
nual Thanksgiving be “made a Na-
tional and fixed Union Festival,”
placed the holiday firmly in No-
vember. And so amid the national
distress of the Civil War, Lincoln in
1861 became the founding father of
the modern Thanksgiving.
Perhaps now, after the political
strife of the 2020 election and amid
a galloping pandemic, we might
take comfort in the long-ignored

I recommend to [Americans]
that while offering up the ascrip-
tions justly due to Him for such sin-
gular deliverances and blessings,
they do also, with humble peni-
tence for our national perverse-
ness and disobedience, commend
to His tender care all those who
have become widows, orphans,
mourners or sufferers in the lam-
entable civil strife in which we are
unavoidably engaged, and fer-
vently implore the interposition of
the Almighty Hand to heal the
wounds of the nation and to restore
it, as soon as may be consistent
with the Divine purposes, to the
full enjoyment of peace, harmony,
tranquility, and Union.
— Abraham Lincoln, 1863

These remarks from the 16th
president came when the nation
was quite literally, and geo-
graphically, divided. They were is-
sued amid a Civil War that pro-
duced by far the most deaths of any
conflict undertaken by Americans
at a time when the survival of the
country was anything but assured.
This proclamation, moreover,
was issued for a Thanksgiving that
would occur only days before his
Gettysburg Address, in which he
refined this theme and expressed
his devout hope that “government
of the people, by the people, for the
people, shall not perish from the
But this proclamation also fore-
shadowed Lincoln’s remarks at his
second inaugural address, when he
dedicated the country “to care for
him who shall have borne the bat-
tle and for his widow and his or-
phan — to do all which may achieve
and cherish a just, and lasting,
peace among ourselves and with
all nations.” And in his 1863
Thanksgiving remarks he spoke of
“the gracious gifts of the Most High
God, who, while dealing with us in
anger for our sins, hath never-
theless remembered mercy” — a
theme he would return to in mor-
dant terms in his 1865 inaugural ad-

That custom [of Thanksgiving]
we can follow now even in the
midst of the tragedy of a world
shaken by war and immeasurable
disaster, in the midst of sorrow and
great peril, because even amidst
the darkness that has gathered
about us we can see the great bless-
ings God has bestowed upon us,
blessings that are better than mere
peace of mind and prosperity of

We have been given the oppor-
tunity to serve mankind ... by tak-
ing up arms against a tyranny that
threatened to master and debase
men everywhere and joining with
other free peoples in demanding
for all the nations of the world
what we then demanded and ob-
tained for ourselves.
— Woodrow Wilson, 1917

These Thanksgiving remarks
came seven months after Wilson
led the country into World War I.
Wilson, the son of a preacher, was
one part scholar and one part poli-
tician, one part idealist and one
part visionary.
This proclamation reflects the
tones he struck in his war message
in the spring, when he said that
“our object now ... is to vindicate
the principles of peace and justice
in the life of the world as against
selfish and autocratic power.” Two
months after Thanksgiving he
would issue his Fourteen Points
that he hoped would shape the
peace that followed what became
known as the Great War, themes
that he presaged in his Thanksgiv-
ing proclamation.

Inspired with faith and
courage by [the 23rd Psalm], let us
turn again to the work that con-
fronts us in this time of national
emergency: in the armed services
and the merchant marine; in facto-
ries and offices; on farms and in
the mines; on highways, railways
and airways; in other places of
public service to the Nation; and in

our homes.
— Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1942

FDR would deliver three
wartime Thanksgiving proclama-
tions but this one, nearly a year
into Americans’ involvement in the
conflict, has special resonance.
Though U.S. forces prevailed that
month in the Battle of Guadal-
canal, the outcome of the war was
still uncertain. The titanic and
tragic struggle around Stalingrad
had just begun. American troops
were fighting in Operation Torch,
the invasion of French North
Roosevelt still found occasion
in 1941 to ask the country to join
him in expressing thanks “for the
bounties of the harvest, for oppor-
tunities to labor and to serve, and
for the continuation of those
homely joys and satisfactions
which enrich our lives.” A man who
was able to conjure optimism even
during the darkest moments of the
Depression and war also glowed
with hope and confidence at

We are deeply grateful for the
bounties of our soil, for the un-
equaled production of our mines
and factories, and for all the vast
resources of our beloved country,
which have enabled our citizens to
build a great civilization. We are
thankful for the enjoyment of our
personal liberties and for the loy-
alty of our fellow Americans.
We offer fervent thanks that we
are privileged to join with other

countries in the work of the United
Nations, which was founded to
maintain peace in a troubled
world and is now standing firm in
upholding the principles of inter-
national justice.
— Harry S. Truman, 1950

Thanksgivings for Truman
posed a peculiar problem. In 1947
his administration — in the first
White House decision announced
on the new technology of television
— began a program of Meatless
Tuesdays and Poultryless Thurs-
days designed to share food with
Europe, which was threatened
with famine.
That made the traditional con-
sumption of turkey and of the pres-
ident’s much favored pumpkin pie
(which required milk in its produc-
tion) problematic.
Truman in 1950 marked his
sixth Thanksgiving as president by
having his turkey, along with
candied sweet potatoes, baked
stuffed peaches, buttered peas and
braised celery, on the Wednesday
before the holiday.
But for Truman — whose presi-
dency overlapped the last months
of World War II and the beginning
of the Korean War — this was no or-
dinary Thanksgiving. Five months
earlier the nation had entered bat-
tle in Korea under the flag of the
United Nations. A month before
Thanksgiving, troops from China’s
People’s Liberation Army had
poured into the conflict, creating
some of the fiercest fighting of the

We give our thanks, most of all,
for the ideals of honor and faith we
inherit from our forefathers — for
the decency of purpose, steadfast-
ness of resolve and strength of will,
for the courage and the humility,
which they possessed and which
we must seek every day to emulate.
As we express our gratitude, we
must never forget that the highest
appreciation is not to utter words
but to live by them.
— John F. Kennedy, 1963

This proclamation, full of the
language of national purpose that
was the Kennedy idiom and the
soundtrack of the New Frontier,
was issued 18 days before the presi-
dent was assassinated. Kennedy
was born 41 miles from Plymouth
Rock and was an admirer of the
rhetoric of the Pilgrim leader John
Winthrop. The holiday would be
celebrated three days after his fu-

Our real blessings lie not in our
bounty. They lie in those steadfast
principles that the early pilgrims
forged for all generations to come:
the belief in the essential dignity of
man; the restless search for a better
world for all; and the courage — as
shown by our sons in Viet Nam to-
day — to defend the cause of free-
dom wherever on earth it is threat-
ened. These are the eternal bless-
ings of America. They are the bless-
ings which make us grateful even
when the future is uncertain.
— Lyndon B. Johnson, 1965

Johnson made this proclama-
tion as 184,300 American troops
were serving in Vietnam, a conflict
that already was becoming the pre-
occupation of the president — and
the nation.
The context is poignant. Two
days after Thanksgiving came two
significant events: an antiwar
demonstration by 35,000 pro-
testers, the first mass expression of
dissent over the war, and a Penta-
gon report saying that troop levels
in Vietnam should be increased to
400,000 in the next year and per-
haps to 600,000 the year after that.
A Gallup poll that fall showed that
64% of the American public ap-
proved of U.S. involvement in Viet-
nam. By the next Thanksgiving
that figure would drop by about a

As we recover from the terrible
tragedies of September 11, Ameri-
cans of every belief and heritage
give thanks to God for the many
blessings we enjoy as a free, faith-
ful, and fair-minded land.
Let us particularly give thanks
for the selfless sacrifices of those
who responded in service to others
after the terrorist attacks, setting
aside their own safety as they
reached out to help their neigh-
bors.... And let us give thanks for
the millions of people of faith who
have opened their hearts to those
in need with love and prayer,
bringing us a deeper unity and
stronger resolve.
— George W. Bush, 2001

For a Thanksgiving shrouded in
grief and introspection, these
words, coming more than two
months after the Sept. 11 terrorist
attacks, reflected the country’s
distress at a time of great national
turmoil. Already American troops
were engaged in combat in Af-
The country, meanwhile, was
gripped in a debate that weighed
security against civil liberties.
Bush would face stormy days
ahead, but his Thanksgiving proc-
lamation hit just the right notes.
In his last year as president,
Barack Obama, in prescient re-
marks applicable to our time, said
that “the American instinct has ne-
ver been to seek isolation in oppo-
site corners; it is to find strength in
our common creed and forge unity
from our great diversity.” He went
on to cite that first Thanksgiving,
in Plymouth, noting that “these
same ideals brought together peo-
ple of different backgrounds and
beliefs, and every year since, with
enduring confidence in the power
of faith, love, gratitude, and opti-
mism, this force of unity has sus-
tained us as a people.”
We cannot be drawn together
this year, even as we might yearn
to, after the great divisions of the
presidential campaign. But we
might recall the year 1958 — a time
of relative tranquility — when
Dwight D. Eisenhower issued an
unusually lyrical Thanksgiving
proclamation. He spoke of how
Americans “rejoice in the beauty of
our land; in every brave and gener-
ous act of our fellow man; and in the
counsel and comfort of our friends”
and he remarked upon how “we
deeply appreciate the preservation
of those ideals of liberty and justice
which form the basis of our na-
tional life and the hope of interna-
tional peace.”
To these many words we, in our
time of national testing, might add
a single word: Amen.

David M. Shribman is a special

U.S. presidents’ Thanksgiving wishes

Washington and his successors have offered messages that reflect their era’s challenges

WOODROW WILSON is shown circa 1920. For Thanksgiving in 1917, Wilson, who led the U.S. into
World War I, spoke about “taking up arms against a tyranny that threatened to ... debase men.”


FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT,wife Eleanor and aide Marguerite LeHand, center, in 1933. He
expressed thanks in 1941 “for the bounties of the harvest, for opportunities to labor and to serve.”

Associated Press

JOHN F. KENNEDYreceives a gift from the nation’s turkey industry in 1963. In his Thanksgiving
proclamation, he gave thanks for “the ideals of honor and faith we inherit from our forefathers.”

Harvey GeorgesAssociated Press

By David M. Shribman

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