Giveyourself more freedom by using softer and more diffused light to light
yourportraiture in any location
Use diffused and soft light
Ingeneral,diffusedlight is easier to work with
thanhardorbrightlight. The clouds work as
alargesoftbox,softening and diffusing the
sunlight.Althoughless contrast and drama is
created,diffusedlightgenerally means that
shadowsaremuchsofter, and the exposure
differenceinshadeand light are similar.
Thisgivesaphotographer more freedom in
choosinglocationasthe light has little effect.
Thelightcreatedby diffused sunlight
thoughcanbealittledrab, it can also create
flatanduninspiringimages that lack drama or
oomph,soitcanhelpto add some contrast
andlight,intheformof a reflector or strobe.
Workingwithdiffusedlight is a good way to
start with natural light portraiture, as there
is much less to consider or contend with
than using hard light. Generally speaking
the exposure between foreground and
background will be even, and the subject
can face in any direction as there is no hard
sunlight to create shadows or cause squinting.
The light is soft and large so it’s very flattering
for all types of faces.
In diffused light I start by getting an
exposure with the existing light, I put a subject
in my desired location then create a correct
expose on the face and eyes. Depending on
the purpose of the shot and the framing, this
might be enough.
If I feel like the eyes don’t pop or the image
needs some extra help, I’ll add a reflector
where possible, then reach for strobes when
that’s not enough or can’t be manipulated to
create what I want.
Often with natural diffused light, less is
more. Adding flash into a shot where there is
no bright ambient light can look a little forced
and obvious. Often creating the feeling that
the subject has been photoshopped onto the
background, this is because our eyes and
brains read the light and know that it isn’t
quite right. To avoid this, any use of flash
should be subtle and feathered to keep shape
and form.