Digital Photographer - USA (2019-07)

(Antfer) #1
Above left
Hard light
A shaft of hard
light is used to
illuminate the face
and create contrast
in the portrait with
the background

the sun. Alternatively, think about a shot with
eyes shut, this can be dramatic and
beautiful too!
In the longer shot, understanding what
falls into shade and light helps create an
interesting and engaging background. Shards
of light falling on the background are essential,
without this, the image will be completely dark.
In open sun, the light reaches across the
background, meaning it will be a similar to
exposure to that falling on the model. In this
case, you need to face your model into the
light and expose for the skin. If the model
faces away and therefore puts their face in
the shade, exposure will be uneven and you
will need to add light with a flash to fill the
shadows and balance the exposure. Caution
is advised when using a reflector in these
conditions, as the hard sun reflected can be
damaging to the eyes.
Below, hard sun is used in the open, and the
light reflects off the surfaces creating even
exposure. My preference is to use the light as
it exists, rather than add it in opposition to the
natural light, as the effect is more “false”.


Location Find a location
where the sun creates
a nice backlight, this was
shot around 5.30pm on a
sunny day, where the sun
is softening and lower in
the sky creating a nice
hair light. Place the model
facing away from the sun.


Set exposureCreateanexposure
that leavesthebackgroundslightly
out. The lightonthehairisimportant,it
should beexposednicely.HereI amusing
shutter speedandaperturetocontrolthe
amount oflight,astheapertureissetat
f4.5 to createa softportrait.


Place flash Position the flash in front but
to the side of the model, in this image
some of the natural light is bouncing off the
white car, so the natural light already wraps
around the side of the face. I place the flash
on this side to continue the to add flash from
the direction which it already exists. 4

Aim itAddtheflash,feathering
aroundthefaceata powerthat
creates a slightlylesshardlightthan
that from behind,thiskeepsit feeling

Backlight naturally

The natural light is used as a hair/rim light with the
flash adding to this and wrapping the light around
the side of the face to create subtle flash that isn’t
completely opposed to the existing light BEFORE AFTER


Hard light can sometimes be too much, especially in the
height of summer where the sun is high in the sky or
during midday hours. Ideally this would be avoided by
planning to shoot at other times, but that’s not always
possible so often it is necessary to find or create shade,
to hide from the harsh light. Shade can provide relief
from the sun, but can create issues in terms of exposure

difference between the area of shade where you’ve
placed your subject, and the areas in the background of
the image which could be areas of exposed sunlight.
In this situation the choice is to either keep any areas of
exposed light out of the image and therefore work with
even exposure or add light back into the image to balance
the shade with the natural light in the background.

Use shade





AOPS Light


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