Speed Math for Kids Achieve Their Full Potential

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Subtracting fractions

Multiplying fractions

Dividing fractions

Changing vulgar fractions to decimals

Chapter 19: Direct Multiplication

Multiplication with a difference

Direct multiplication using negative numbers

Chapter 20: Putting it All into Practice

How Do I Remember All of This?

Advice For Geniuses


Appendix A: Using the Methods in the Classroom

Appendix B: Working Through a Problem

Appendix C: Learn the 13, 14 and 15 Times Tables

Appendix D: Tests for Divisibility

Appendix E: Keeping Count

Appendix F: Plus and Minus Numbers

Appendix G: Percentages

Appendix H: Hints for Learning

Appendix I: Estimating

Appendix J: Squaring Numbers Ending in

Appendix K: Practice Sheets


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