Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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x= 93

The student needs a 93 on her quiz to raise her average to 80.

Coin Problems

Coin problems are also common algebra applications. Usually the total number
of coins is given as well as the total dollar value. The question is normally “How
many of each coin is there?” When there is more than one coin involved, we let
x represent the number of one specific coin and the number of other coins in
terms of x. The steps involved are:

  1. Let x represent the number of a specific coin.

  2. Write the number of other coins in terms of x.

  3. Multiply the value of the coin by its number; this gives the total amount
    of money represented by each coin.

  4. Add all of the terms obtained in Step 3 and set equal to the total money

  5. Solve for x.

  6. Answer the question. Don’t forget this step! It is easy to feel like you are
    done when you’ve solved for x, but the answer to the question could be
    one step later.
    As in all word problems, units of measure must be consistent. In the follow-
    ing problems, this means that all money will need to be in terms of dollars or
    in terms of cents. We use dollars in the following examples.

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